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So many Thnx for for yr expert professional help. Everything was fully explained and reasonable. I have found my mechanics to trust.


Outstanding work as always. I know my car is in great hands at this shop. Thank you!


Thank you so much for always being there for any questions or concerns I might have.


Jack and Dan are knowledgeable and always friendly and helpful. They provide quality work at a much appreciated cost savings compared to dealerships.


Jack and Dan and crew took great care of my vehicle again this week. We discovered an issue with the car and they were able to fix it immediately. My car drives much more smoothly now and my car is safer. The people at North Hollywood auto always take the time to explain the problem, describe the options, and describe the pros and cons of the options. They clearly show us the breakdown of the costs. And they always do it with patience and humor. I highly recommend them!


Fast courteous and had the best price. Thank you AAA for recommending North Hollywood Auto Repair!


Great service as usual. Jack and Dan are upfront about costs and maintenance and they have the car owners best interest at heart.


Dan is the man. 🙌🏼 Everyone that works here is so kind! They always bring joy to my morning and I’m so grateful for them. They’re also great at fixing cars. 😛


Great job by Jack and his crew. Thanks for great advice and service.


Have been regular customer here. They have always given me the best product and service. The staff here is absolutely amazing. I would definitely recommend them for all your auto needs.